Apr 7, 2011

Adventures with Janie #2 Vineyard Lake Trail

Janie and I went on an adventure to a new place for both her and I, Vineyard Utah. There is a trail that runs along Utah Lake so Janie and I went on a walk there and then took a trip down to the edge of the water. She likes exploring things and picking up interesting finds on our trips.
Janie offering me some of her granola bar. I finished mine quickly so she was being sweet and offering some of hers to me. We need our energy for these trips.

Janie always picks out a rock on our trips. These were really quality asphalt rocks. She carried around handfuls for about 20 minutes. Then dropped them all for a granola bar.

Janie exploring the edge of the lake. I love her little body being all big and walking around.


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